It’s really simple to access the spiritual realm. What is harder to do is to understand, and that is because everything we have been taught since we were tiny is a lie told by sincere, well-intentioned people.
So, how do you access the spiritual realm. Well, first, recognize the lies and allow the spiritual truth to replace them.
Next, understand what the spiritual realm is, that it is real, and that quantum science is explaining it in mathematical terms. You don’t need to know the math. You just need to know that it is real.
Your body is made up of about 50 trillion cells, and each human cell is made of about 100 trillion atoms, and each of those atoms is made up of a few to dozens of quantum particles.
Those quantum particles are all working in cooperation with each other. They work as one toward the goal of being you in your body. And each of those particles is made up of 99.99% energy. More than that actually. If your index finger was the particle at the center of the quantum particle, the energy around it would extend out to Jupiter. And two quantum particles of the size of your index finger would have energy reaching out twice as far … to Saturn.
You are made of mostly quantum energy. It is what spiritual people are referring to when they talk about the Eternal Light. Quantum energy is everywhere in the universe.
This energy is of many different frequencies, all coordinating and cooperating with each other … because they are one energy in different frequencies.
The first objective of your access to the spiritual realm is to simply shift your consciousness to be aware of the Light of infinite frequencies.
When you do this, you will realize that it is all conscious. All energy and every particle has purpose, and every frequency and every particle is doing its purpose. And it is all around you and in you. Just become aware of it.
At the quantum level, scientists have estimated that one cubic centimeter of the quantum field – as it is called – has enough information and enough energy to create a whole new universe. So, the entire universe could be disintegrated except for one cubic centimeter, and the one cubic centimeter of quantum field would be enough to reconstitute the entire universe.
That’s a lot of power. More importantly to us, that’s a lot of information. And when we access it, we can know what we need to know to do anything. And when we access that information and bring it into the consciousness of our physical brain, we can intend for that information to become part of this physical reality. When we consciously intend for something to happen, the entire quantum field shifts to work together to make it happen.
Now, there is just one hang up holding you back. You have to believe it. You have to release all the old superstitions that you’ve been taught in this physical realm, and shift your awareness to be at one with the quantum field. You have to be at peace to become one with all that is.
That means you have to stop clinging to problems. Accept forgiveness and give forgiveness.
That can be really easy. Just stop thinking, let your brain rest from worry and stress; and then intend to reach out into the field to see the forgiveness that is everywhere. Then, choose the forgiveness, and bring it to this world, to your life, to your being. Simply decide to be forgiveness. Allow it to flow over you, around you, and through you. Become forgiveness.
As you practice allowing this quality to become you and you to become it, all problems release from you. Have faith that you are forgiveness, and it will slowly transform you. You can become forgiveness instantly, or begin holding it most of the time in as little as three weeks of regular dwelling on this quality. Most people can become forgiveness in nine months, and nobody – with regular practice - takes longer than 18 months. But many people are not regular practitioners, so it may take three to five years.
Time is not important. Allowing the chosen quality – focusing on the chosen quality – regularly is what is important. Just realize that you have already chosen it, and that it is already with you, in you. You don’t have to work at it. Just allow it. Recognize that you are already forgiveness.
And you can do this with any quality: compassion, intentionality, grace, speaking from the heart, honesty, or confidence.
Now, there are negative qualities that are already in you. When you become aware of those negative qualities, shift your focus to the positive quality you are practicing. Keep coming back to it. As you do, the positive quality will slowly crowd out the negatives. You will become that powerful, positive person who can do whatever mission you decide to take on. Simple! Start now.